Supplier Code of Conduct
Thanulux Public Company Limited (“the Company”) places great importance on corporate governance and believes that good corporate governance will help promote sustainable business growth of the group of companies.
It is committed to conducting business with responsibility and creating a coexistence in balance between the economy, society and the environment in order to achieve sustainable development goals with all groups of stakeholders throughout the value chain. The Company has established the Supplier Code of Conduct as guidelines for the business partners to follow. These guidelines serve as a framework for working with the Company and are implemented to standardize business processes and ensure alignment between the Company and its business partners.
Supplier Code of Conduct
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Privacy, confidentiality and intellectual property rights
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption
- Conflicts of Interest
- Responsible Sourcing and Delivery
- Respect for human rights
- Fair labor treatment
- Occupational health and safety
- Community and environmental management
- Monitoring and Evaluation
In this regard, the Company requests its business partners/suppliers to acknowledge and strictly observe the Supplier Code of Conduct, as a means to foster joint sustainable growth and progress.